By Default Wordpress will consume lot resource if its Not optimized in proper Way. Do the following to your Wordpress sites
1.Remove any Pirated Plugins or Themes (Pirated files will have malicious Code injected)
2.Keep your Files up to date.WP Core,Themes and Plugins
3.Add Cloudflare to your website to protect from any attacks (
4.Add robots.txt to control unwanted Bot access
6.Remove any unused themes.Remove Unused Theme or plugin which are not installed or no need for your use
Block XMLRPC File to Protect from Attack :
Control your Ajax Issues :
Disable the WP-Cron and activate normal cPanel Cron
Disable WP-Cron in config file
Open the wp-config.php file and Search for "define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);" Disable the cron job